Friday, July 25, 2008


I really like reading all of your comments. It is really fun! I want to answer some of your questions.

From Anne:

When are you starting school? Do you know who your teacher for this year yet?

I am starting school at the end of August. I do not know who my teacher is for this year yet. I am going to first grade this year. I am going to a new school called Olde Sawmill Elementary. They have a big playground. It has tires, and there is a tire bridge there. It is hard to cross!

From Matthew:

What did moths do at night before electricity?

I dont know! They just flew around. Maybe they flew towards the moon.

From Grandpa Jim:

How is you brother doing?

He is doing good.

From Uncle Brad:

I hope Bryan was gentle when he pulled your tooth out. Did it hurt?

It kinda hurt.

Thank you for your questions! Please ask more!



Anonymous said...

Very cool Riley, very cool. Are you still playing baseball as well as soccer? Sounds like you are having a very fun and full summer, that's great. I look forward to reading more about you on your blog.

Unknown said...

Hi Riley. I like your blog. You'll be the coolest 1st grader in school! Do you know any friends that will go to the same school as you?
-Jill (your mom's friend)

Gayle said...


I am excited to read about your first day of first grade. I hope you will be blogging this week.

Love, Grandma Gayle