Today was the last day of camp for the week. We finished our murals at art camp. At the end of camp, we put on an art show. Dad, mommy, and Grandma Griffith came to my art show. I showed off the mural created in collaboration with the whole camp, my mini-mural that I brought home, and the tree I created for the camp mural.
At Camp COSI we went to the Space exhibit. I played with the table where balls fall in a figure eight pattern. We played with a stop action movie maker. We also watched rats play basketball with their teeth. They weren't very good passers, but they could dunk! These are special rats from Japan.
After Camp, Mommy and I watched a movie about mummies. For a long time nobody could find pharoah mummies, but then somebody found twenty pharoah mummies at once. But, we still don't know the secrets of how to make mummies.Quinn and I also played in the Kid Space. I stayed in the big kid room to make stop action movies and play video games. Quinn played in the water and got wet.
We stopped for dinner at Texas Roadhouse. They had peanuts on every table! Charley the Balloon Guy made me a balloon hat that looks like Brutus Buckeye!
We are going to Utah in a week. I am very excited to visit the Tutoring Toy! I am very excited to see Aunt Diane, Uncle Bill, Cousin Casey, Grandma Jeanne, Grandpa Ray, Ole the dog, Aunt Lisa, Cousin Aidan, Uncle Bob, and Uncle Scott. I am looking forward to hiking the Kirkwood Trail and seeing some bison in Yellowstone.
Quinn is vey excited right now.